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The Visit USA Committee is a non - profit Trade Association of destinations, industry partners and individuals
with the goal of promoting travel and tourism to the United States of America.


USA Island hopping avec 200 professionnels to tourisme

La manifestation annuelle "USA Island Hopping" avec quelque 30 partenatires (destinations, lignes aériennes, tour operateurs etc) attirait 200 professionnels, en particulier de la Suisse alémanique. Le format du "island hopping" a facilité le travail en petit groupes et l'échange d'informations. Une occasion idéale pour déveloper le réseau de contacts personels


USA Island Hopping 2025 well attended

The US remains the most popular overseas destination of the Swiss. The need for professional counselling in planning resp. booking of a trip is important, in particular in an environment as demanding as at the present time. USA Island Hopping 25 provided some 30 US and local service providers and destinations a cost effective opportunity for valuable networking an personal contacs to some 200 trade visitors from around the country.


Successfull USA Roadshow 2024

The USA Roadshow, in cooperation with TheBrandUSA featuring 12 partners was attended by 220 travel professionals. In three days, from September 25 - 27 the six cities St. Gallen, Lucerne, Zurich, Basel, Bern and Lausanne in French speaking Switzerland were covered. The Brand USA and its programs were represented by the Ms. Ahrens of the German Office. The Road Show is appreciated by the local trade as a usefull complement of the annual USA Island Hopping event which is the main annual trade event for US travel.


Welcome back Rosa

The team which is covering the promotional programs of the Visit USA Committee, Switzerland welcomes Rosa Giordano back on board. Rosa has previously been involved in the VUSA programmes. Her professionalisme is a true asset for the team and the Committee per se.


Swiss Market & Economic Data

Please note that the English language version of our website contains the latest market data about Switzerland which are updated about every three months. Sources of information include KOF of ETH the prominent Fed. Institute of Technology, BAK of Basel University etc.


Successfull USA Island Hopping event 2024

Over 230 trade visitors from around the country were proof for the need of an information and training platform for a destination of the size of the U.S. Some 40 partners (cities, states, TO's, airlines etc) used the occasion to present their products and services. They all were given the opportunity to hold short workshops in small groups, behind the information booths intended for individual consultations. Visitors had to plan and book their attendance according to their individual interests. They then were given access to their personal visitors program by means of an app. The featured destination Alaska had the opportunity to present itself at the opening plennary session.


More news

  24.10.2023  Record growth of Swiss arrivals expected be the end of 2023  |  Read...
  01.08.2023  The strong Swiss Franc remains the driving force for USA Travel  |  Read...
  20.01.2023  USA Island Hopping - Successful Kick-Off after Corona   |  Read...
  03.11.2022  Time to show flag on the attractive Swiss market  |  Read...
  11.04.2022  Record attendance at USA Raodshow 2022  |  Read...
  11.03.2022  Newly elected Board Members  |  Read...
  07.02.2020  Upbeat mood at the VUSA Seminar 2020  |  Read...
  22.11.2019  General Assembly Meeting November 21, 2019  |  Read...
  31.01.2019  Successfull New VUSA Format  |  Read...
  18.08.2004  Strong Swiss Franvc makes US again affordable  |  Read...

© Visit USA Committee | Heinrichstrasse 239 | 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
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Committee Management
Telefon +41 79 404 48 13 | admin@vusa.ch
Event Management
Telefon +41 44 749 25 25 | event@vusa.ch